Guests of the G Lab

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Discoverer of DNA damage response and biological clock mechanisms, Nobel Laureate Prof. Aziz Sancar during his visit of the Gozuacik Lab.

The father of molecular biology and genetics, Nobel Laureate Prof. James D. Watson at dinner with Dr Gozuacik during his visit of Istanbul.


Prof.’s Noboru Mizushima, Tamotsu Yoshimori and Dr Atsushi Tanaka in Istanbul with Gozuacik lab members .

Prof. Eileen White (The Cancer Institute of New Jersey and Rutgers University, USA) awarded during the ICDS 2010 Meeting in Turkey, co-organized by Dr Gozuacik.

Prof. David Rubinsztein (University of Cambridge, UK) in a round table discussion in Istanbul with Gozuacik Lab members.

Prof. Reuven Agami (The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam) with Gozuacik Lab members.

A pioneer of cell death research, Prof. Richard Lockshin (St. John’s University, USA) and ICDS Head Prof. Zahra Zakeri (Queen’s College, USA) after a round table discussion with Gozuacik Lab members.

Dr. Huseyin Mehmet (Merck Pharmaceutial Company, USA) and Prof. Robert G. Parton (University of Queensland, Australia) in Turkey with Dr Gozuacik.

Prof. Valerian Kagan (University of Pittsburg, USA) in lunch with Gozuacik Lab members.

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